In My Mailbox (5/23/2010)

In My Mailbox is a weekly bookish meme hosted @ The Story Siren

Hello everyone! This is my first IMM at Oh My Books! You can check my older IMM posts at Historias Imaginarias.

This was such a great week! I didn't bought anything, but I received a lot of gifts :)

I won ARIES RISING (Star Crossed #1) by Bonnie Hearn Hill; thanks to Keira @ Literature Young Adult Fiction. Looks nice, I can't wait to start reading it! By the way, I'm an Aries (Energetic - Enthusiastic - Take-charge - Self-centered - Quick tempered - Aggressive - You value: Attention). What's your sign?

Finally, I received Sing Me To Sleep by Angela Morrison from International Book Tours :) I've heard great things about this book...

I won the SEA "Orange Popsicle Haze" Swag @ Angie Frazier blog! Thank you so much :) I love the mini-orange converse! What's cuter than that? Also, the ice-cream stickers are lovely!

Also I received as a gift from Avalon Apple a beautiful bookmark, made by herself. I actually needed a new bookmark, so its perfect timing!

And last but not least, my sister gave me a very cool Porta Colei bookmark and key-chain. It's actually a mystery where she got this, but a very nice surprise. Anyway, I haven't read Porta Colei's books, so maybe I will save these for a contest.

What did you get this week?


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