September Spectacular! Reading Challenge

You know how much I love challenges? So, I'm participating in another challenge, called September Spectacular! Reading Challenge:
  • This challenge is hosted at The Thoughts of a Book Junky.
  • It will start September 1st and go on through September 30th.
  • There will be a 5 book reading challenge, ( one book a week) that you will have to read. Which books? Any 5 you want. Its your choice... Easy huh. At the end of that week you will post your review on your blog and add your link to the Mr. Linky at the bottom. ( If you don't have a blog you can either post a comment, letting everyone know what you think about the book or sent me an email with your review) * Sep first starts on a Wednesday so you can start your first book on Sunday the 29th if you want.
  • At the end of each week a giveaway will be posted. That's 5 giveaways!! The only thing you have to do to enter is, link your review on that weeks Mr. Linky. Plus get an extra entry if you add the September Spectacular button to your post or sidebar! ( Open Internationally).
What do you think? You should join! I'm definitely in. I have a couple of e-books I want to read but never find the time or there is always an excuse for me not to read, here is my list (subject to change):


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