Book Review: Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini

Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini
Author: Josephine Angelini
Series: Starcrossed #1
Release Date: May 31st, 2010
Publisher: HarperTeen
Age: Young Adult
How do you defy destiny?
Helen Hamilton has spent her entire sixteen years trying to hide how different she is—no easy task on an island as small and sheltered as Nantucket. And it's getting harder. Nightmares of a desperate desert journey have Helen waking parched, only to find her sheets damaged by dirt and dust. At school she's haunted by hallucinations of three women weeping tears of blood . . . and when Helen first crosses paths with Lucas Delos, she has no way of knowing they're destined to play the leading roles in a tragedy the Fates insist on repeating throughout history.
As Helen unlocks the secrets of her ancestry, she realizes that some myths are more than just legend. But even demigod powers might not be enough to defy the forces that are both drawing her and Lucas together—and trying to tear them apart.
You know I love Greek Mythology, so I was very interested in reading Starcrossed.

Starcrossed is definitely a love story. Helen has always been different, and she doesn't like it. But when Lucas and his family comes to town, she discovers she isn't the only one with powers.

Helen's smart and sweet, but I'm afraid she wasn't the kind of protagonist I prefer. I don't know exactly why, maybe she was boring sometimes. But I have to say I liked her more through the book, because she became more interesting.

Her romance with Lucas was what keep me reading. They didn't fall in love at first sight, bit still they fell in love very fast. They were a cute couple, but I wished they were more passionate. I know, it's a YA book, but still! Maybe more kissing?

Sometimes the writing was too slow for me, because I prefer fast reading. But the story was very original and interesting, and I liked the way the author played with Greek mythology and every once in a while there was a turn in the story.

Overall, I liked it and I really want to know what will happen with Helen and Lucas in the next book, called Dreamless.


  1. I´ve been wanting to read Starcrossed for ages! I love old mythology. Only 3*? Too bad.. But it sounds nice and I´ll definitely give it a shot anyway :)

  2. Great review :) I've heard mixed reviews on this one, but I'll check it out eventually :)

  3. I'm always curious to see reviews about Starcrossed, because I got an ARC of it a few months back and loved it. I can definitely understand why it wasn't suited to your taste; hopefully you'll find the next book to be better. :)

  4. Like you I'd be interested in it because of the mythology aspect. Ty for sharing!

  5. I love Greek Mythology so much, and this book sounds wonderful. Thanks for your review!

  6. I love the color and design of the cover.

    I love reading myth but I never read any YA book with Mythology inside. I know there are some books out there already. I hope I can get the chance to read this book as well.

    It was nice to read a book with loveable character

  7. I love that cover! :) And I really want this book! :D:D

  8. only 3 stars? I wanted to read Starcrossed but after reading your review and finding that it is about Greek Mythology I am not interested in it. Despite of this I still love the cover :D

  9. I actually really liked this one, but I do feel it a little bit slow at times. Hope you like the next one better :)

  10. I've been curious about this book. It has such a pretty cover. Hmmm, the "slow at times" comment has me worried.

    Hopefully i will get to read it one of these days.

  11. I have been curious about this book and really appreciate your frank review and sharing.

  12. I'll have to check this one out. I love mythology.

  13. I really really want to read this one. because I love mythology and i think it is a new thing on YA books :D


  14. l adored this book, one of the best of 2011 so far and it's a shame you didn't love it.
    Thanks for your thoughts, l love seeing different opinions on books.

  15. I prefer fast reading too, but I think I'm gonna give this book a chance anyway.

  16. I'm reading this now and didn't realize until (after reading for 4 hours) that I was only 32% finished...totally missed the whole around 500 pages. But its definitely amazing!! I do wish it was a little faster, but for now I'm okay with it since the storyline is so complex. Great review! Thanks!

  17. Love stories are one of my favorites, and I thought this would be a good choice of a book for me. Reading your review changed my mind though, but I'll read it, just to see how it is. And yes, romance adds a little kick to the stories. (:
    Hopefully, the sequel will be better! A good review!

  18. I just ordered starcrossed the other day, i'm a fan of greek mythology so can't wait to start reading it.

  19. I am a fan of Greek mythology too! But I get your point. Boring protagonist isn't at all appealing!
    The cover is extremely enchanting...

  20. I haven't read this one yet but I've heard it's good.

  21. I too love mythology. I have heard great things about this book. Hopefully it will pick up as the series continues.

  22. Great review. The book was too Twilight-ish for my taste, so I didn't bother reading the other books in the series. I hope you'll fare better with the rest.

  23. I haven't read this. I think it would be a bit boring for me, I don't know a lot about mythology. That's good you want to read more though!

  24. Nice review! I haven't read this book, even though I've heard a lot about it. It just looks too much like a slow-paced book from the reviews I've read, and I'm not sure I would enjoy it :/ But I do love Greek mythology! So maybe it'd be worth reading for that? What to do...

    Check out my book review of a good old classic:


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