In My Mailbox

In My Mailbox is a weekly bookish meme hosted @ The Story Siren

Withering Tights (Misadventures of Tallulah Casey)Uncommon Criminals (A Heist Society Novel)Rage (Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Book 2)

Withering Tights by Louise Rennison
Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society #2) by Ally Carter
Rage (Horsemen of the Apocalypse # 2) by Jackie Morse Kessler


Good Girls Don't (Hqn)

Good Girls Don't by Victoria Dahl

Free for Kindle:

HeartlessNever a Bride

Heartless by Anne Elisabeth Stengi
Never a Bride by Amelia Grey

What did you get this week?


  1. It looks like you've got some great books this week! :)


  2. I only heard good things about Uncommon Criminal, but I've never read the series. I don't like the covers at all, but in the end it should be the content that interests:)

  3. Rage is really good! :) Enjoy the books you got.

  4. Nice mailbox! I really like the cover for Withering Tights, as it makes me smile. And don't you just love free eBooks? Enjoy!

    Alexia's Books and Such...

  5. I have heard many great things about Uncommon Criminal. But I haven't read book 1. I really have to read this series! Enjoy! :D

  6. I requested Good Girls Don't as well, looking forward to it! I also can't wait to read Withering Tights, I love that author's Georgia funny :)

  7. I can't wait to get my hands on "Uncommon Criminals"! Ally Carter books are my sinful delight. ;)

    Great books this week! :)

    My Mailbox

  8. Rage is a fantastic book so I hope you enjoy it. Withering Tights looks really funny so I'll be looking forward to seeing your review for it too. Happy reading! :)

  9. I've seen Withering Tights on several blogs this week...I might have to give that one a try.

    I bought Ally Carter's new book the week it came out and haven't had a chance to read it yet. I loved Heist Society, so I have high expectations of the sequel.

    Happy reading!

    Book 'Em IMM

  10. Wow, you have a nice stack of books this week in your mailbox.
    Happy Reading,
    Book Sniffers Anonymous


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