My Christmas Books To-Read

It may be a little bit early to post this, but by favorite holiday is Christmas, and here in Venezuela we are already celebrating. You can listen our typical Christmas music, 'gaitas', and we already started to eat our typical Christmas food: 'hallacas' and 'pan de jamon'.

HallacasPan de JamonGaitas

Our traditions are very different for other countries. We have Santa Claus, but usually the one who brings Christmas presents is the baby Jesus (don't ask me how). We wait for him until midnight and celebrate him with gifts and fireworks. It's amazing, the best party!

We don't have snow, but we still decorate with Christmas trees, lights and fake snow. I think it's hilarious to have fake snow when I have palms just outside my house. 

This year I'm very excited because just a few days before Christmas, I'm going to Disney World!. I know, a little bit old for me, but every time I've been at USA, I could never visit Disney. It's like a dream come true. I'm going with my boyfriend, but we both are very close to our family, so we are coming back at Christmas Eve to spend it with them :)

Anyway, Christmas books are my new tradition (since last year, I think). I just love them. All of them are cute, some a little bit naughty, but it's a great way to start celebrating the holidays!

The Holiday Bride (Holiday Brides #2) by Ginny Baird
The Christmas Wedding by James Patterson & Richard Dilallo


  1. Ohhhh I love this! I've read very few Christmas themed books but you've given me several new ones to try. Thanks!

  2. I am so excited for Christmas Books! I can't get enough of them!! (I think I aim to read something like every other book as a Christmas book, so I get about 6 of them in December!)

    I have to say - "Naughty & Nice" looks AMAZING!! But i'm also going to have to grab Romancing The Holiday - because Jaci Burton? My new favorite!!!

    -Jac @ For Love and Books

  3. Wow, now that is overload of Christmas, lol.

    Hope you enjoy all the reads.

    Love the cover of Bah, Humbug and title of course.

    I will probably only read 2 holiday books. Alan Bradleys one about Flavia and Andrea Kane is releasing one, she is a favourite suspense author of mine.

  4. I actually usually don't read much holiday themed... but I do love summer reads... go figure.
    Hope that these are great for you!
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog


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