Got Books? + Giveaway (CLOSED)
Got Books? is an annual (potentially bi-annual) event for every book blogger! Is a culmination of the creative forces behind two fellow book bloggers....GMR of Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers and The1stdaughter of There's A Book....

In their words: "This is a celebration about books, but more so for the bloggers that help tell the world about them. Where did you find out about your latest read? The store...a website...the about a book blog? Chances are if you are online or have a book blog yourself, some of your future reads came from your fellow bloggers. Whether given a glowing review or something a bit more critical, the post drew your attention and made you want to find out more. This event is to celebrate book bloggers round the world by shining a light on their efforts, spreading the word about their sites for future follows on your reading rounds, and have a little contest fun along the way!"

Sounds great, right?!! Before doing the giveaway (I know, you're excited about it!) I'd like to ask you how/when/why did you start reading?

I started reading when I was a kid thanks to my mother. She is a reader, so every time she went to the library to buy some books, she bought one for me. Now I read more books than her, and sometimes we share our reading. It is one of the most special bonds I have with her, and I thank her for sharing her love for books with me.

Now, giveaway time!!! *insert vuvuzela here*

Because you love books as much as I do, I'm going to giveaway a 10$ dollars gift card from Amazon or The Book Depository for you to buy the book you want!

- International (as long as The Book Depository or Amazon ships to you)
- Ends 7/24.


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