Author Interview: Jess C Scott + Giveaway

Hello everyone! Please welcome Jess C Scott, author of the book The Intern, the first one in the Sins07 series. If you haven't read my review, please check it out!
Thank you so much for being here today Jess!. Can you please tell us in a few words about the Sins07 series?
No problem--thanks for the interview! Sins07 is a contemporary YA “seven deadly sins” series, that looks at universal issues from contemporary life. The series will feature lighthearted tales that explore each of the seven sins in order, beginning with lust. There's enough pain, misery, and suffering in the world -- so I thought I'd inject a dose of fun + humor, throughout this series.
How did you came up with the idea of sins?
A friend and I were watching an episode of The History Channel's "Seven Deadly Sins" program. "Hey," she said (during an ad break), "you should write a seven deadly sins series." I don't know why it never hit me, but I said "okay," and started to jot down some ideas right away.
Was it hard to write about lust in a YA book?
I got a lot of things (related to sex/uality) "out of my system" via my first two books (one is a blog novel @, so I was able to write about lust in a non-explicit way this time. I think I had slightly more trouble making sure the pace and plot of the book "kept on going" (instead of getting dreary or hum-drum halfway) -- I did my best to stick to the outline I had for the plot.
Who is your favorite character from The Intern?
Possibly Jo.Zee (the dance instructor/"object of desire"). I drew a lot of inspiration from all over the place, with regards to his passion for dance. It was very fun and enjoyable to research on YouTube (for official music videos, clips of dance competitions/contests, as well as tutorials uploaded by non-professional dance enthusiasts).
What can we expect from the next Sins07 book?
After Lust, the next deadly sin is Greed -- I think I'll be featuring an heiress or a model, as the protagonist. There's likely to be an element of travel and adventure (as with the first book), though everything else is probably going to be quite different (I generally don't do the same thing twice -- I like challenging myself to keep things fresh and interesting).
P.S. The third book may feature a lead male character. I'm usually thinking of "the next two projects," once I've completed one.
Since The Intern is all about music and dancing, can you give us a couple of music recommendations?
It depends on the genre of music one likes, but I'll list some personal favorites -- Kylie Minogue (dance), New Order (electronica), Michael Jackson (pop/funk), Queen and Guns n' Roses (classic rock), Se7en (Korean pop). A vlog post has more info (
Anything you’d like to add before we finish?
Thank you for having me here today :) I think I'll end with a line from Jo.Zee (from a magazine article in the book):
"Remember to move everyday. A fit, healthy body—that is the best fashion statement."


Jess is giving away an ebook of The Intern (yay!). For a chance to win, just leave a comment (with you email address) in this post answering her question: "What's your favorite type of music?". International, ends Sept. 15, 2010.

Extra entries:
+1 Comment on my review of The Intern by Jess C Scott.


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