From Dusk ‘Til Dawn Read-A-Thon Update #1 + Challenges

So.....yesterday I was kind of a failure. I went to bed at 10pm! But I have a good excuse: me head hurted a lot! Still, I manage to read a couple of chapter from 1: The Intern (Sins07) by Jess C Scott and I'm planning to finish it by tomorrow.

Reading Through Life Mini-Challenge
Carina, from Reading Through Life, is asking us to "Write a post describing your ideal comfort food meal to break your hypothetical 15 hour fast one of the nights of this week’s read-a-thon." You can read more about it here.

I have always been impressed with Ramadan, during which practicing Muslims refrain from food and drink from dawn until dusk. I don't think I have that kind of strength, specially involving food. I'm actually on a diet and gosh, I'm a little bit moody! So anyway, my ideal food meal is....PIZZA! Maybe you're thinking...Pizza, really? Well, I have been wanting to eat pizza for about a month, and literally I could kill for one from Domino's.

Young Adult Books Reviews Challenge over here.


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