2011 Debutante Event

From the 1st-25th of December, Badass Bookie is going to be your guide to next year's hottest debuts! My lovely Debs just simply can't wait to meet you all so they are debuting early! Everything you need to know about your Debs and their amazing book will be here! Oh! and did I mention Giveaways Galore? Not only do you guys get to know the Debs better, YOU also get to win their books!!!

What is a Deb? Well, my lovely poppets, a Deb is short for a Debutante which is a New Author to the YA genre. Basically, their first book is coming out next year!

However, the Debs and I need your help! We want to make this event bigger and better, we want EVERYONE to know about this event! SO we are giving away a PRIZE for anyone who spreads the word about it!!! So spread the word and WIN!

Some of the prizes....

What do you think? I can't wait to learn more about this new authors and their books! :) 

P.S.  It's international!


  1. Hi Gaby, Many thanks for visiting me over at Pen and Paper, I really appreciate you doing so. Sorry that it has taken me a while to get back to you. Thanks for the links, I'll hopefully get around to finding out more in the next day or so.


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