In My Mailbox #19

In My Mailbox is a weekly bookish meme hosted @ The Story Siren


Moon Rising by Laurie Bowler


What about you?? Leave your IMM links in the comments :D

*** UPDATE***
I always forget to post my new Kindle books....xD Anyway, these are for the Holiday Reading Challenge.


Must Love Mistletoe by Christie Ridgway
Not Another New Year's by Christie Ridgway


  1. I can't wait to start The Iron Queen!!

  2. Great books this week. Netgalley is awesome! Love your new blog layout! :)

  3. oooh you got some good books this week!

    And I like the new layout Gaby :)

    That Bookish Girl

  4. Mystify looks pretty cool.

  5. Great books this week :) Hope you have loads of fun reading.

    You can find my mailbox at The Bookish Snob

  6. Great books! I have Awaken for review waiting in the pile and I need to read Julie's Iron books too.. Happy Reading Gaby! :)

  7. Hi Vee! Oh you got both the Iron Queen and Awaken, I can't wait to read both of those! NetGalley has been rockin the past month. I'm trying not to request every single book they have at once, but it's hard:) Enjoy your reads!

  8. Congrats on Iron Queen and Awaken! Love netgalley.
    My IMM

  9. Oh, you got some good ones! I never read holiday themed books, but they actually sound kinda good right now... I guess I'm in the holiday mood!

  10. I really need to remember to add my net Galley and Kindle books too, especially since I have "An Amish Christmas" to add to my Holiday Challenge list! You have a bunch of great books! I really need to get to the Kagawa books!

    Julie @ Knitting and Sundries

  11. great picks, thanks for visiting my blog, look forward to seeing your readathon reviews

  12. Great Netgalley finds! I'm looking forward to reading the Iron Fey series sometime soon!

  13. I hope your review of AWAKEN, I have some overdue books and I´ll not ask for more on NetGalley, for the moment. But this book sounds great.

    I haven´t heard anything about Moon Rising, I´m intrigued. I hope read your review, too =)

    Happy readings!

  14. Outstanding choices! I'm getting nervous because my books for the Christmas Reading Challenge haven't arrived yet.....drop by and say hi! I'm at

  15. Thanks for dropping by and checking out my mailbox! I really want to read Awaken and I happen to know I got the Iron Fey series for Christmas so I'll be waiting Iron Queen soon. Happy reading!

  16. hi fellow blogger! i’m new to your blog here and i really wanted to say i really like your page! job well done mind returning the favor and following my page?
    happy blogging!


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