Guest Post: Dalba Y. Castrillon, author of A Spirited Heart

Hi everyone! :D Today I'm supper happy to welcome Dalba Castrillon, author of A Spirited Heart. I just read her book a couple of days ago, and loved it. It's a sweet romantic story with a strong heroine.

Anyway, she came today to talk a little bit about her book. Please welcome her and remember tomorrow to come and read my review. Oh, and also entering a giveaway ;).

Why Izobelle Montgomery?

A strong heroine.  As soon as I typed that first chapter I knew who Izobelle was.  Not from self experience, but from admiration of those strong young women that I had only dreamt about being. 

I remember being twenty one, and having so many strong opinionated emotions.   I remember my view on love and honesty.  Of course at that age I never got to feel that strong intense love that was born in Izobelle but that didn’t stop me from wanting it.

Who doesn’t want love to sweep them off their feet? No matter your age, I believe woman still want that.  So that’s the first side of her that I wanted to show. Then came the side of deep seeded hurt. That hurt that you think might kill you and tear your soul inside out.  The kind of pain that doesn’t let you see straight and sometimes drives you to make small mistake into big mistakes.  

But somehow, love concurs all. Even the most stubborn strong heroine concedes to love. She gives in to those emotions pulling the strings of her heart.  Izobelle begins to accept the love that the man of her dreams, her savior, her protector her everything, wants to give her. 

Izobelle represents what many women dream of being (or have dreamt of at one point in their lives including myself), strong, with an unbendable will, but the willingness to give into a hard fought love.  And just like those telenovelas that I use to watch as a young teen (Spanish novelas such as ‘La Duena” which also greatly inspired the character of Izobelle) there is a happily ever after, how else would a romance novel end?

I have heard from readers that they could not put this story down, and I know it has a lot to do with Izobelle and of course Mark. I just want my readers to know that as I wrote the story I couldn’t stop writing either it was as if I was reading a book straight off my mind, I lived every moment and every emotion with Izobelle Montgomery.

Thank you so much for your support.

With love,

@DalbaC - DYC Romance on Facebook - A Spirited Heart on Goodreads - A Spirited Heart on Amazon

Thank you Dalba! Izobelle definitely is a strong character and she was main reason why I loved A Spirited Heart.


  1. nice to meet Dalba. I love strong, feisty women in my books - soppy types I find a real turn off which is probably why I don't really like the bodice ripper type of book.

  2. Oh, this guest post has me so curious about the book Gaby. I'll be looking out for your review tomorrow as this is the first time I'm hearing of this book!

  3. I like the name ! Izobelle is a name i've never heard before :)

  4. Hi Dalba, nice to meet u. I love the sound of A Spirited Heart:)


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