Happy New Year! + Favorite Reads 2010

Update: Maybe you want to check out my complete book's read in 2010 list. I'm pretty proud of myself! I read 113 books.

Hi guys! I was planning to write about my favorite books read this year, but I noticed that I read most of them before starting this blog and I haven't translated my reviews.

So instead of linking a bunch of books to goodreads, maybe you want to go and look at them at my Spanish blog HISTORIAS IMAGINARIAS. I know some of you don't read Spanish, but maybe you can look at the covers. I promise someday, maybe next year, I will translate all of my reviews. ;)

Also, I wanted to wish you a Feliz Año Nuevo! (Happy New Year! in Spanish) Hope you all have a great time :D

"We will open the book. It's pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day."

happy new year 1


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