Hiatus for a couple of days!

Probably you notice that I haven't been at my blog lately. Or at my twitter / email. There is a reason. A HUGE reason.

I'm moving to Chile. That's right. All my family is from Chile but my parents moved to Venezuela and I was born here. I'm Venezuelan and Chilean.

So, I'm going to be living at Chile for a couple of months because I'm going to do my veterinary practice at an Animal's Hospital. :) Yeah, I just finished college!! Yay! (well, my classes. I still have to do my thesis).

I've been super busy these days getting ready for my trip. I'm very nervous and excited. Also happy and sad. It isn't the first time I'm going to Chile, or traveling alone, or being so many months away from my home. But I'm very sad about leaving my boyfriend.....I'm going to miss him very very much.

So, I'm taking a few days off to settle things when I arrive at my new home. I'm not sure if I'm going to have enough time for my blog, but I know I'll keep posting and visiting your blogs when I can. My TBR lists has grown out of control so I'm going to take this chance to read the books on my Kindle and I won't receive any more books for review. Maybe this way I can read some books that has been waiting for me forever, and finally write the reviews I keep forgetting to write.

Anyway, I hope you understand. This is very important to me, and I want to spend the last days with my boyfriend and family. This is an amazing opportunity for my future but I know I will miss them very much.

Thank you for reading! Be sure to come back here soon since I'm planning a giveaway!


  1. What amazing news Gaby! wow! Of course, amke the most of your couple of days before departure, and have fun in Chile! (would love to see some photos ;-p) Hugs!

  2. That's awesome! That sounds like it will be an amazing experience. I hope your move goes well and you get settled in quickly!

  3. Gaby: una genial noticia, espero que te vaya de maravilla en esta nueva experiencia y que nos traigas muchas muchas fotos :)

    Dicen que Chile es precioso, yo tuve la oportunidad de conocer a un chico chileno en una estancia que hice aquí en mi país y vivíamos en el mismo complejo de apartamentos y él me hablaba mucho sobre su tierra, me emociona tanto saber que tú vas para allá :)

    Por cierto, aún no le enviado tu dirección a Jenn, es la misma de Venezuela o quieres que te envíe las cosas a Chile? Y en mi blog ganaste un swag, también te lo mando a Venezuela? como quieras tú dime...

    Un abrazo y te deseo mucho éxito :)


  4. Best of luck on the move, and your time at the animal hospital :)

    I'll be checking in to see when you start blogging again.

  5. Heya Gaby - wishing you all the best with your move. Sounds like exciting times are ahead for you. Hope it all goes well - Will be checking your blog to see when you're back :D In the meantime, I hope you get settled in. :)


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