Book Review: Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson

Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson
Author: Maureen Johnson
Series: Scarlett #1
Published: December 29th, 2009
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Age: Young Adult
Her new summer job comes with baggage.
Scarlett Martin has grown up in a most unusual way. Her family owns the Hopewell, a small hotel in the heart of New York City, and Scarlett lives there with her four siblings - Spencer, Lola, and Marlene.
When each of the Martins turns fifteen, they are expected to take over the care of a suite in the once elegant, now shabby Art Deco hotel. For Scarlett's fifteenth birthday, she gets both a room called the Empire Suite, and a permanent guest called Mrs. Amberson.
Scarlett doesn't quite know what to make of this C-list starlet, world traveler, and aspiring autobiographer who wants to take over her life. And when she meets Eric, an astonishingly gorgeous actor who has just moved to the city, her summer takes a second unexpected turn.
Before the summer is over, Scarlett will have to survive a whirlwind of thievery, Broadway glamour, romantic missteps, and theatrical deceptions. But in the city where anything can happen, she just might be able to pull it off.
Scarlett's a young girl whose family runs a hotel. Her life sounds so interesting, but it isn't. Their hotel is almost closing and she isn't the favorite daughter. Her older sister is beautiful, her brother is fun, and her youngest sister was sick and now her family gives everything to her. Scarlett is shy and silent, and not at all fun or interesting or beautiful.

In her birthday, she's expecting to receive at least a delicious breakfast but instead receives more responsibilities; a room for her to take care of. This is how she met Mrs. Amberson, a beautiful actress, and her summer plans fall apart.

Scarlett's life wasn't good. Running a hotel isn't easy or fun, but with Mrs. Amberson she gets to do a lot of things she didn't even thought about doing. While her friends are having a great summer, she has to help her new guest with everything she wants, including writing her autobiography.

At first I didn't like Scarlett because she wasn't interesting. I don't think she had a personality of her own. But it was great to see her growing up and feeling secure. I also liked the relationship between Spencer, Lola and Scarlet. They all helped each other in everything they could.

I loved the idea of her family running the hotel. They are having a bad time, but still it was pretty amazing how they manage. Everyone had other responsibilities besides working at the hotel, but they still did it.

Overall, Suite Scarlett is a book about growing up. It's a cute story, sometimes slow, but with a lovely happy ending. I'll probably read the next book of the series, Scarlett Fever.


  1. I really liked this book too. I still haven't rewad the sequal, but now I really want too. I totally forgot about this one. :) Thanx for the reminder. Great review.

  2. I've heard that tthis author is very good with her writing, but I guess this book wasn't that well-written according to your review. I wonder what her other books are like. The story is really interesting though, very unique!


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