Waiting on Wednesday # 41 - Epic Fail by Claire LaZebnik

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking The Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

My pick:

At Coral Tree Prep in Los Angeles, who your parents are can make or break you.
Case in point:
• As the son of Hollywood royalty, Derek Edwards is pretty much prince of the school—not that he deigns to acknowledge many of his loyal subjects.
• As the daughter of the new principal, new-girl-on-campus Elise Benton isn’t exactly on everyone’s must-sit-next-to-at-lunch list.
When Elise’s beautiful sister catches the eye of the prince’s best friend, Elise gets to spend a lot of time with Derek, making her the envy of every girl. Except she refuses to fall for any of his rare smiles and instead warms up to his enemy, the surprisingly charming social outcast Webster Grant. But in this hilarious tale of fitting in and flirting, not all snubs are undeserved, not all celebrity brats are bratty, and pride and prejudice can get in the way of true love for only so long. Fans of Susane Colasanti (When It Happens), Polly Shulman (Enthusiasm), and, of course, Jane Austen will love finding out if Elise’s love life will be an epic win or an epic fail.
Claire La Zebnik
August 2nd 2011 by HarperTeen


  1. Oooh a Pride & Prejudice type storyline...love it!

    Our WOW pick is at BookSake.

  2. I hope that when you get your book, that it will be everything you hope it to be. Check out what I am Waiting On Wednesday for.

  3. I cannot wait for this book. It sounds so cute.

  4. I love stories like these! Can't wait to read this book. :)

  5. Wow what a great post! This book sounds so awesome. Thank you very much.
    I am following you too and I'd be great if you could follow me back. Have a spectacular day!


  6. That sounds great! Thanks for the review.


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