Waiting on Wednesday # 51 - Emerald

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking The Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

My pick:

Summary from Goodreads:
Emerald St. John is in trouble. She has been condemned to marry a man she hates. Her enemies are conspiring to have her pet bear Molly torn apart in the baiting pits, and the man she loves is far away on the high seas. And she has stumbled into a web of spies with a plot to poison Queen Elizabeth I. To save herself and the kingdom, she must beat the spies at their own game - which means transforming herself from a country girl into a Court lady. Can she do it in time? Set against a detailed and vivid recreation of a great Elizabethan manor house, EMERALD will bring to life a world where the most sophisticated rules of etiquette went hand in with brutality and superstition.
Karen Wallace
July 7th 2010 by Simon and Schuster Children's

I think I would like this book. Besides, the cover is beautiful. I love the dress.


  1. I remember that cover. It is just as stunning as the first time I saw it

  2. Ooooh like a feisty heroine! : ) This sounds good!

    Ann @Semisweet

  3. This is being added to my wishlist !
    Thanks for the WOW!
    Gorgeous cover.

    Here's my Wow

  4. Hmmm...interesting! I haven't read a historical novel recently, but this sounds intriguing, and I like that it's set in the time of Queen Elizabeth I. Nice pick!

    If you'd like you can check out my WoW here.

  5. I love your WOW! I'm adding this to my list!!

  6. Sounds like something I would enjoy. Great pick, hope its worth the wait!

  7. You have to love anyone who has a bear named Molly - need to read this one. Thanks for sharing today.

  8. This one sounds great!

    My WoW, http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com/

    Have a nice week.


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