In My Mailbox # 47

In My Mailbox is a weekly bookish meme hosted @ The Story Siren

This week I got:

Jenny Pox by JL Bryan

From NetGalley:

For Review:

(OMG!! I'm so excited about this book that I even accepted to receive an ARC for review!)

What did you get this week?


  1. Thanks for stopping by my IMM, Jenny Pox sounds like it could be a good read. :D

    Haven't heard of the other books but will look forward to read you opinion of them.

  2. I didn't know How to Party with a Killer Vampire by Penny Warner, but it sounds nice, I can't wait to read you review about it !

  3. Thanks for stopping by The Book Nympho. I have the 1st Penny Warner book on my wishlist. They look fun. Enjoy your books.

  4. I'm jealous of everyone who got Jenny Pox this week. I don't have a Kindle yet, but even then I wouldn't get it for free since that doesn't work in Germany. But since the regular price isn't very high, I'll get an ecopy once I get my Kindle. :)
    I hope you enjoy all of your new books. They look great.

    Have a lovely week,
    Carina @ Fictional Distraction

  5. They all look good!! I got Jenny Pox too; but I think I *must* have Sweet Magik! *YUMMY*

  6. I keep hearing good things about Jenny Pox. Happy Reading!

  7. JEnny Pox looks fabulous :)

    HEre's mine:

  8. I love the cover of Jenny Pox and can't wait to read it! I've heard the whole series is amazing!

  9. Hehe I picked up Jenny Pox too.. looks interesting!

    Oh wow, the abs on that guy on the Sweet Magik cover.. *drool* haha

    IMM | 2 Giveaways

  10. I got Jenny Pox as well! I've heard some good things about it. I hope you enjoy all of your books. :)

    Here's my mailbox!

  11. Heheee. Everyone's talking about Jenny Pox. It looks fantastic though. Hope you enjoy it, 'cuz everyone seems to like it.


  12. Fab set! I need to pick up Jenny Pox while it's still free.
    My IMM

  13. Great mailbox. I've seen Jenny Pox in several mailboxes this week.

    I hope you enjoy them all.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. :)


  14. The visit was useful. Content was really very informative. From


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