Work = Less Reading?

Hey guys!

Maybe some of you have noticed that I have been kind of absent lately. Believe me, it's not because I'm tired of my blog.

Almost three months ago I graduated from Veterinary school, and I've been very lucky, because I have found wonderfull jobs. I started at a small hospital working part time, and now I'm working full time at a laboratory doing veterinary drugs marketing. It's great, I love it, and best of all, I'm happy.

But....I'm reading less!!

It's not only about less time to read, but about less energy to read. Sometimes I get home early, but so tired mentally that I just want to sleep. I try to 5 pages...and then I'm gone to the dream world. body is just adjusting to all this work and responsabilities, but I'm starting to read again. Actually, this weekend I finished Sweet Venom by Tera Lynn Childs and devoured Bad Boys Do by Victoria Dahl! 

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I'm slowly coming back with more reviews. There is also another giveaway coming celebrating Halloween, so don't go away! :P


  1. Congrats on finding a job you really enjoy! It does take awhile to get used to, so give it time and have fun!

  2. It's hard to keep reading when real life calls your name! I have a kid and a year of school left, so I know how it goes.


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