Book Review: The Next Always by Nora Roberts

The Next Always by Nora Roberts
Author: Nora Roberts
Series: Inn BoonsBoro Trilogy #1
Release Date: November 1st 2011
Publisher: Piatkus Books
Age: Adult
The historic hotel in Boonsboro has endured war and peace, changing hands, even rumored hauntings. Now it’s getting a major facelift from the Montgomery brothers and their eccentric mother. Beckett is the architect of the family, and his social life consists mostly of talking shop over pizza and beer. But there’s another project he’s got his eye on: the girl he’s been waiting to kiss since he was fifteen.

After losing her husband and returning to her hometown, Clare Brewster soon settles into her life as the mother of three young sons while running the town’s bookstore. Busy, with little time for romance, Clare is drawn across the street by Beckett’s transformation of the old inn, wanting to take a closer look . . . at the building and the man behind it.

With the grand opening inching closer, Beckett’s happy to give Clare a private tour - one room at a time. It’s no first date, but these stolen moments are the beginning of something new - and open the door to the extraordinary adventure of what comes next . . .
It's the first time I read one of Nora Roberts books (*gasp* I know..) but I'm really glad I did. It was cute, sweet and refreshing, just what I needed.

Beckett is one of the Montgomery's brothers. He and his brothers are restoring an old inn Booksboro, and it's going to be amazing. The whole town is curious about it, including Clare. I loved Beckett, he's just a regular guy, close to his family and with a big heart, which has been throbbing for Clare since they were teens.

Clare is a young widow, with three kids and a lot of work. She owns a bookstore, and it has been a while since she had some time for herself. But when Beckett starts to enter their lives, she's ready for him.

I usually stay away of widows romance books because I can't relate to them, but in this case I really liked Clare and Beckett's relationship. Clare was very easy to like because she was a real mom and young woman. She took care of her kids but knew when she could use some time for herself. Beckett was so in love with her, it's obvious they had to be together, and I'm glad they realized that soon. Their romance was sweet, just what they needed. Also, the kids were so cute!

I loved the writing, I think the characters were very realistic. I felt like I was with them inside the story and their thought were exactly the same I'd had in my mind. But, I think the whole stalker thing/ghost were not necessary.

Overall, I'm glad I finally read Nora Roberts. The Inn BoomsBoro trilogy is definitely on my to be read shelf, I really enjoyed The Next Always and I can't wait to read what will happen with the rest of the Montgomery's brothers.


  1. Gaby, is it more about the Inn, or about the subplots you mentioned that were unnecessary, or mostly the romance between them?

    1. The Subplots. I was really interested in the Inn and the romance ;), but I think the subplots weren't really necessary for the story to be good.

  2. Congrats on poppin' your Nora Roberts cherry LOL. I love that lady. But more when she writes as J.D Robb. You should read that series!

    I haven't read this one yet, but it looks good. I love cute romances and Roberts is like the queen at them

  3. I'm so happy you enjoyed this!
    We really do have the same taste in books!

    Funny thing, the Inn is very close to where I live so is her bookstore & I've never been to either. I'm such a dork!

  4. Nora Roberts writes all these amazing books, and I must read all of them! All! :D Great review, this book goes on my TBR pile immediately. Thanks :)


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