In My Mailbox # 57

In My Mailbox is a weekly bookish meme hosted @ The Story Siren

This week was pretty good for me :D

Of Noble Birth by Brenda Novak (Free for Kindle)


What did you get this week?


  1. I've seen Cinder and Never Sky quite often in this week's IMM, I'm getting curious!

    My IMM

  2. Cinder and Under the Never Sky look awesome.! Great haul!

  3. I hope you enjoy Under the never sky like I did. Great haul! x


  4. Oh, All I Want Is You is on Netgalley?? How did I miss that, I got to meet Sherrill Bodine last year at RomCon, love her! You have a great mailbox this week, happy reading! Book Savvy Babe’s IMM

  5. Great mailbox! I really loved Cinder. I too have seen Under the Never Sky all over the place but am resisting ordering a copy until I get my TBR mountain under control. Have a great reading week!

  6. I really want to read the Last Chance books -- I need to just break down and buy them! (They'd be a good break from what I've been reading lately!)

    I recently got Cinder and Under the Never Sky too! I hope you really enjoy them :)

    Come see what was In My Mailbox this week!

  7. I have seen Cinder but not been interested enough to want to read it, but I really liked Under The Never Sky.

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM :D

  8. Oh cool. I wonder if that Brenda Novak title is also available for the nook for free. Will check it out. :) Happy reading.

  9. Nice mailbox! I'm looking forward to reading Cinder, as I like the twist on the Cinderella story. Enjoy!

    Here's my IMM.

  10. I'm curious about Under the Never Sky. I hope you enjoy them all!

  11. Yay Cinder! I have it on my shelf, can't wait to read it. It looks so good.

  12. I'm hoping to start Under the NEver Sky this week if I have time. Everyone loves it. All I Want is You looks interesting. I'll have to check it out.

  13. Yay for Cinder and Under the Never Sky! Both of those are FANTASTIC so I hope you love them. Happy reading! :)

  14. Great reads this week!! I love the look of Cinder... you will have to let me know how you like it!

    Lindsay :)

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  16. Indeed great IMM. Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi looks so good. Can't wait to read your review for it. :)

  17. Woah. Great haul, Gaby :D

    Have fun reading them all!

  18. I really need to read Cinder, it sounds so nice! Enjoy them all!

    My IMM

  19. CINDER!!! I'm really looking forward to that one. I've heard almost nothing but good things about it.

    Hope you enjoy all of your books, and have a great week!


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