In My Mailbox # 58

In My Mailbox is a weekly bookish meme hosted @ The Story Siren

Suddenly You by Lisa Kleyplas
Wicked in your Arms by Sophie Jordan

Both authors have been on my wishlist since forever. It was time to finally get them.

Hounding the Pavement by Judi McCoy
Sprinkle with Murder by Jenn McKinlay
Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder by Joanne Fluke

Cozy mysteries! It has been a while since I read something fun and light :)

Novellas from some of my favorites series!

I also ordered A Million Suns by Beth Revis, but it's going to take a few days until I receive it at home. I can't wait to read it!

What did you get this week?


  1. Awesome haul!! <3 Sophie Jordan books!! hope u enjoy that one, I still have to add it to my list

  2. I have to check out that Chocolate Chip Cookie one!!! Thanks for sharing :)

    Here's my IMM for this week

    Happy reading and have a nice weekend,
    Books, Biscuits & Tea

  3. Great books! I really liked Wicked In Your Arms. Sophie Jordan is made of win! Happy Reading. :-)

  4. I've been meaning to try the Elder Races series for a while--glad you like them!
    Thanks for stopping by :)

    Rachel @ The Rest Is Still Unwritten

  5. Ooo, I like the look of Sprinkle with Murder... anything with cupcakes on the cover is a good book to me :)

    Great haul!

    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

  6. Chocolate Chip Cookie and Sprinkle With Murder are great Cozy Mysteries! I hope you really enjoy them! (And try a few of the recipes form the Hannah Swensen book!! I have yet to make a bad one...

    Come see what I got In My Mailbox this week!

  7. Cool books - I need to check out some cozy mysteries :) They seem to be pretty popular! Thanks for sharing these, I'll check them out.

    Check out my IMM here!

  8. Nice mailbox! Haven't read any of these, so will keep an eye out for your reviews. Enjoy!

    Here's my IMM.

  9. Nice. I haven't read a cozy mystery before, I don't believe. I should try one though!


  10. LOVE Lisa Kleypas, happy reading all your books look like great reads :) Book Savvy Babe’s IMM

  11. Enjoy those Sophie Jordan books! :)


  12. Great set! Sprinkle with Murder and Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder sound adorable. I hope you love them.
    My IMM

  13. I really need to start reading Sophie Jordan's adult books! I've heard they are great! Awesome pick! :)

  14. I keep seeing the Jenn McKinlay books at work and I love the covers! I'm thinking about picking a couple up! Great books :0)

  15. Awesome books! I have to check some of these out C:

    Shorskie's IMM

  16. Hehe...I love the Sprinkle With Murder cover! :D

  17. YAY for Lisa Kleypas! You'll love her. And omg how have I not heard of the Thea Harrison novella? Geez, behind much. Looks yummy.

    I got A Million Suns too even though I haven't read the first.. ANYWHO, awesome books (:


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