In My Mailbox # 59

In My Mailbox is a weekly bookish meme hosted @ The Story Siren

Destined by Jessie Harrell (Sounds interesting and only 0.99 $ for Kindle!)
Always The Wedding Planner, Never The Bride by Sandra D. Bricker (Free for Kindle!)

From NetGalley:
Much Ado About Rogues by Kasey Michaels (Loved the first book of this series)
Kiss Me, I'm Irish by Roxanne St. Claire, Jill Shalvis, Maureen Child (really hot cover!)

So, what did you get this week? Leave your links :)


  1. The cover for Destined is really pretty!

    The Kiss me I'm Irish cover is REALLY hot - I may have to go request that one! *lol*

    Come see what was In My Mailbox this week!

  2. That second cover is awesome. Liking it.
    Happy reading.

  3. Interesting books this week. Destined does sound pretty good, and for only $.99 how could you refuse ;) Happy Reading!

  4. Great books - I love the covers of those books, especially the second one! Destined sounds super interesting, I'll have to check that one out. Fab post!

  5. Eeeep! Destined is one of my favorite 2011 novels! Cupid/Eros is just..attractive. I hope you like it too! :)

    Here's my IMM post.

    1. I think I will, I love the Eros myth ;)

  6. Nice mailbox! Oh, Destined is about Cupid/Eros? Awesome! And NetGalley has so many good titles that it's hard to resist! Enjoy!

    Here's my IMM.

  7. I love the cover for Destined

    Happy reading

  8. such a good mailbox, I have definitely been eyeing some of those on net galley myself.... happy reading! Book Savvy Babe’s IMM

  9. Destined is only 99 cents?? Oh my gosh, that's so awesome!! I've been so excited to read that book and that deal is another big reason why I wish I had my own Kindle! x) Plus, I would DEFINITELY kiss an Irish boy LOL! ;)

    Awesome mailbox this week, Gaby! I hope you love all of your books! :)

  10. Ohhh Kiss me, I am Irish sounds good, cos I love the Irish ;)

  11. Nice!!Especially the cover of Kiss Me, I'm Irish :) Happy reading!!

  12. I think I remember seeing Destined a few times but I can't remember what the reviews were like. It's great that you got it for such a great price, in any case. Happy reading!

  13. Great Mailbox! Hope you enjoy your new books!
    Happy Reading!
    My IMM post
    A Beautiful Madness

  14. Great IMM. :D I have heard a little about Destined, and I agree with you that it does sound pretty interesting. Hope you enjoy your books. :) New follower.

    Here is my IMM: IMM (11)

  15. Great set! The Bricker book looks really cute. I hope you like it.
    My IMM

  16. I haven't read any of your books, but I hope you'll like them all!

    My MM

  17. Always the Wedding Planner! The title is so cute and funny! Gotta get it for my Kindle!

  18. Kiss Me, I'm Irish! Lovely cover! ;) Destined has a gorgeous one as well!

  19. I love the cover for Always the Wedding Planner! It's so cute and kitschy.

    I've heard good things about Destined too, so I can't wait to see your review :)


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