In My Mailbox # 68

In My Mailbox is a weekly bookish meme hosted @ The Story Siren

I turned 25 this Friday and wasn't really excited about it, but after a few tweets from friends assuring me 25 wasn't old, I felt better and actually tried to enjoy my birthday :)


Won books (I love to win!)

(now I have the whole series!)

(yay! I'm going to start this one first - I got the UK cover :P)

Spanish books / Birthday gifts!

(Gift from my mother, cute cover!)

Si lo sueñas, haz que pase ("If you dream it, make it happen") by Maickel Melamed (english info)
(Gift from my sister)

Birthday cake! (delicious)

I also got more gifts (like my shiny iPhone, which I received a few days ago), but books always make me happy :) Anyway, what did you get this week?


  1. Nice books but my favourite has to be the cake!

  2. Happy Birthday. Enjoy your books and other gifts.

  3. Happy Birthday Gaby! No, 25 is not old! I'm 27 and I don't consider even that as old ;-p Hope you had a great day, the cake looks delicious :-D And what great bookish presents, hope you'll enjoy them!

  4. Happy birthday! And, speaking from age 61, 25 is not at all old, you young pup! I still have to read both XVI and First Grave on the Right. But I have read the whole Study series and loved them. Have a great reading week and thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. 25 is not old! I believe I told you that on Twitter :-P

    Slide looks good- I think I may prefer the UK cover!

    Please check out my IMM:

  6. Awesome haul!! Looking forward to Slide

  7. Happy Belated Birthday! My birthday was Friday too! :) Slide looks really good and I really need to read a book by Maria V. Snyder! Hope you're having an awesome Birthday weekend! :)

  8. Great books! That bb cake looks delicious! I love winning books too. Enjoy. :)
    My WoW

  9. I need to get Truth and read XVI, I'm so behind!Happy reading

  10. Happy b-day! (I know it was on friday, but better late than never)
    Love all your books, specially the ones in Spanish (espero que los disfrutes mucho).
    I like to read in Spanish once in a while. To be honest I'd prefer to read all my books in Spanish, but I only receive books in English.
    Here's my IMM (

  11. I haven't seen that version of SLIDE before - cool!


  12. Happy Birthday!! That cake looks delicious! Now I'll have to bake one myself.. (=make my mom bake one for myself, if necessary cry until she agrees)

    And what a great haul! I hope you'll enjoy all of your reads. The Slide cover looks really great! :O

    Patricia // My IMM

  13. Oh, you have the UK version of Slide! I can't wait to read that book, although I do like the American cover better. Happy late birthday! I need to get my hands on Truth, but I don't really remember what happened in XVI. Time to reread, I suppose.

  14. Happy Birthday!! Both of your gifts (Spanish books) look really cool! I wish I was fluent enough in another language to read in it...

    Stop by and see what I got In My Mailbox this week!

  15. Great books and of course, Happy Belated Birthday!! Congrats on the iPhone... you will love it!

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading!
    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

  16. Happy Birthday! You're the perfect age, as 25 is awesome! Hope you enjoy the rest of your birthday month, and looking forward to hearing what you think of Truth. Enjoy!

    Here's my IMM.

  17. Happy belated birthday! o: That's awesome! The cake looks yummy and an iPhone?! That's quite awesome!

    Also: YAY, Slide? I'm really liking it! Hope you enjoy all your new books. :D

  18. Hi there, just popping in... Nice!

    I'm really looking forward to reading Slide, let me know what you think. Enjoy your reading!

    I'm also your newest follower!

    Here is my blog to check out:
    My IMM

  19. OMg you're a Charley Davidson fan!? LOOOOVE her! And I loved the third book it's full of awesomeness!! Great haul chick!

    Xpresso Reads

    1. She's so cool!! I love reading her hehe

  20. Happy Birthday!! Hope you had a fantastic day!
    I have the first Charley Davidson book but I haven't read it--hope I can get to it soon :) And I LOVE the Study series. Snyder is a genius!

    Happy reading! x

  21. stumbled on your blog. loved it. belated happy bday.... keep posting <3


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