Waiting on Wednesday # 96 - Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet by Darynda Jones

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking The Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

My pick: Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet (Charley Davidson #4) by Darynda Jones

Sometimes being the grim reaper really is that. Grim. And since Charley’s last case went so awry, she has taken a couple months off to wallow in the wonders of self-pity. But when a woman shows up on her doorstep convinced someone is trying to kill her, Charley has to force herself to rise above. Or at least get dressed. She quickly realizes something is amiss when everyone the woman knows swears she’s insane. The more they refute the woman’s story, the more Charley believes it.

In the meantime, the sexy, sultry son of Satan, Reyes Farrow, has been cleared of all charges. He is out of prison and out of Charley’s life, as per her wishes and several perfectly timed death threats. But his absence has put a serious crimp in her sex life. While there are other things to consider, like the fact that Albuquerque has been taken hostage by an arsonist, Charley is having a difficult time staying away. Especially when it looks like Reyes may be involved. Just when life was returning to normal, Charley is thrust back into the world of crime, punishment, and the devil in blue jeans.
October 30th 2012 by St. Martin's Press

I just love this series! (favorite :P) Charley is my idol!


  1. YES! There is so much AWESOME in this series that you can feel it before you even ENTER the bookstore.

  2. I haven't read this series yet - maybe that's because I haven't read any Adult series yet. Maybe I should! :) Will look into this series! Love the cover of this one.

    Check out my Waiting on Wednesday post here.

  3. Ooooh! That sounds like a good read. and I LOVE the cover!!

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW post and commenting! =)

  4. Ooh I love this series! I'm super excited for this too! I love it when I see other fans of this series! :)

  5. I haven't read any in the series. I do have to get started on it tho. I know my shelves are overloaded but what's one more series. I have heard good things about it.

    Happy Wednesday!


  6. Love your pick!! This is one of my favorite series! Can't wait for this book!

  7. I love this series so much :) This is the first mention I have heard of this book, so you have made my day!!! Thank you so much for sharing. I am new to the book blogging community so please come on over and check me out and give me any advice you may have. Your blog is great!!

    Chelsey@Charming Chelsey's

    New Follower btw :)

  8. I want this book as well!

    Thanks for sharing,
    WoW - http://paulettespapers.com/?p=1983

  9. Ooh I haven't read any books in this series but I've heard a lot of good things! Love the green cover :).

  10. These are so fun! I like that the covers are all match-y and the tone of them matches the tone of the stories themselves. Great pick!


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