Stacking the Shelves # 10

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, where people like me can showcase our new books of the week and make you jealous!

Hello :D It has been a while since I posted...I know, I have no excuse!! I took a long vacation from blogging and reading, but I'm trying to come back. I have been reading a few books this month, and the plan is to post some reviews this week.

Anyway, here is what I got these last few days:

Freebies! (links to amazon)
Star Fish by Nicola May
Bah, Humbug! (A Romantic Comedy Christmas Novella) by Heather Horrocks
The Holiday Bride (Holiday Brides Series) by Cinny Baird
RUNAWAY HEART by Claudy Conn


What did you get this week? Feel free to leave your link at the comments :)


  1. I got the Bah! Humbug book earlier in the year, still haven't gotten round to reading it yet though :3

    Here is my weekly round up post
    Lauren @ Northern Plunder

  2. Welcome back! I keep meaning to read something by Alexandra Ivy but haven't had a chance. Have you read the others in the series?

    My new books posts are at Ms. Martin Teaches Media and Inside of a Dog. Happy reading!

  3. Great books this week!!

  4. I hope your vacation was good - sometimes you just need it, you know? And I hope you love these books!

    Tara @ Hobbitsies

  5. The cover to Bah Humbug is so cute!! Enjoy!

  6. That Bah, Humbug! book looks adorable! New follower! MaMa's Book Corner

  7. Oh wow. Every single one of these is new to me! I've been in the mood for a fun romance and these certainly look like they just might to the trick. :) Enjoy!

    Here's what I got this week!


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