Stacking the Shelves # 11

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, where people like me can showcase our new books of the week and make you jealous!

This week I got: 

{I read the first book, The Marriage Bargain, and really enjoyed it}

{free from Amazon}

{free from Amazon}

I also attended the Filuc 2012, which is basically the book fair of my city. I got a few books and also a very nice t-shirt!

{I haven't read the series, but my mom likes it. I hope to read it soon}

{Very excited to finally find this one!}

Cute t-shirt and cup with a quote from The Little Prince
A book of very interesting questions and answers, I love these kind of books!

That's all I got this week. What did you get? Feel free to leave your links at the comments.


  1. Cute cup :=D I so need a bookish cup

  2. I hope you enjoy your books :) they look interesting.

    Here is my weekly haul
    Lauren @ Northern Plunder

  3. Nice haul! I haven't been to many book fairs, but they're so much fun! And I love bookish shirts and mugs. Enjoy all of your new goodies!

    Alexia's Books and Such...

  4. Nice haul! Love the swag! Thanks for stopping by.

    New follower :)
    Helene @ Helene's World of Books

  5. wow, so many books in one week. New follower as well:



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