Welcome 2014!

I'm not going to lie, I didn't have any resolution or anything planned for this 2014 except travelling. Also, I failed my 2013 reading challenge...I was supposed to read 100 books and only read 58 :(

So I decided to relax a little bit this new year!! I will keep reading, but I know my reading habits have changed so I my goal is to read 50 books. Sounds doable for me!

2014 Reading Challenge

2014 Reading Challenge
Gaby has
read 0 books toward her goal of 50 books.

How many books do you want to read this year? Do you have other goals? I also want to keep exercising at least 2 times per week, improve my English accent, wear more dresses and heels....I know, crazy! Hehe.


  1. I would love to try and read at least 50 books. I have not challenged myself before so I will have to see how I go.

    1. I enjoy making goals and plans, I believe I work better that way, although sometimes it's too stressful lol

  2. Good luck with all your goals! I do want to be more active. I think that's true of most people. LOL

    1. lol yes! We all want to look good hehe

  3. Goodness that's a lot of books! Looking forward to seeing your progress on here :)
    I hope to finish all the books of A Song of Ice and Fire ( Game of Thrones) and as you may know they're extremely thick. Apart from that, the exercise bit sounds good ;)


    1. Game of Thrones!! All of my reader-friends have read them and are fans, but I still haven't. As you say, they are extremely thick!

  4. I think your goals for 2014 sound realistic. If your reading habits have changed, then your goals should reflect that (which they do). I think 50 is a good number. I usually aim for about a book or more a week, so somewhere in the 50s and I am happy. :)

    Best of luck with all of your goals- reading and otherwise. :)

    1. Thank you Jess! I already started, a little bit slow but enjoying it :P

  5. I usually read about 35 books a year on average now, so 58 sounds like a lot to me [though I used to read that many a year when I was younger]. My reading goaals are to try and read more broadly, I often stick to just a few genres. My main goal for 2014 is to travel for a few months in the summer. Where are you travelling to?

    1. Read more broadly, that's a good idea!
      I'm going to Colombia (Cartagena & San Andres) for a week :) Where do you want to go in summer?


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