Book Review: Dragos Takes a Holiday by Thea Harrison

Author: Thea Harrison
Series: Elder Races #6.5
Published November 17th 2013
Age: Adult
The Bermuda Triangle. Pirates. The Peanut. What could possibly go wrong?

Dragos Cuelebre needs a vacation. So does Pia, his mate. When the First Family of the Wyr head to Bermuda for some much needed R&R, it's no ordinary undertaking - and no ordinary weekend in the sun. Between hunting for ancient treasure buried beneath the waves and keeping track of their son, Liam—a.k.a. Peanut, whose Wyr abilities are manifesting far ahead of schedule—it’s a miracle that Pia and Dragos can get any time together.

They're determined to make the most of each moment, no matter who tries to get in their way. And did we mention pirates?

For fans of DRAGON BOUND and LORD’S FALL, passion, playfulness, and adventure abound in this Elder Races novella.
Dragos Takes a Holiday is another novella from the Elder Races series. I was excited to read this one because it's about Dragos, one of my favorite characters (because he's a dragon!), Pia and Liam, their son. They decide to take a mini vacation, to relax, enjoy some family time and also some romance time, and also Dragos can hunt an ancient treasure rumored to still be buried...

I loved this novella, it was absolutely cute! We get to know more about Dragos and Pia's life now that they are parents, and Liam (a.k.a. Peanut) is such a cute little dragon! He's little but already some of his Wys abilities are manifesting, and he's going to be a little naughty boy in this trip. I loved to read the parts when he was thinking (still can't talk), I wasn't expecting that!

It has some romance, not as much as the other books from the series, I wanted more romance! Also it has some action, not everyone wants Dragos to find the treasure, although it was pretty easy for him, but they are going to make Dragos very angry.

Dragos Takes a Holiday is a must read for fans of Dragos, Pia and Liam! I totally recommend it, Liam is growing up to be a very interesting Wyr.

More about this book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads.


  1. Hi Gaby! I found your blog through bloglovin, so I figured to stop on over and check it out! I am now following your blog :)

    I am a huge romance fan, but I can honestly say I have not read Thea Harrison's Elder Race series. I think I have book one collecting dust on one of my bookshelves, so I know it caught my interest at one point if I bought it, I guess something else must have distracted me and I forgot about it. Until I came across your blog! I really like now-a-days how authors are starting to write little novellas in between books about previous characters, almost like an update or sneak peak into their happily ever after. Sometimes after reading a really good romance, it's hard to move on because you know that book couple is over. But now authors are listening to their fans more and writing little snippets of previous characters. I think it's a good thing!

    Anyway, great review and even though it wasn't intentional, thanks for the reminder that I have book 1 sitting on my blookshelf! lol

    Feel free to stop by my blog sometime! Always looking for new blogger buddies to chat with and new followers!

    Best Wishes,
    Mia @ The Muses Circle

    1. Hi Mia, thank you!! Hope you read it soon and like it :)

  2. Aw, Liam sounds adorable!!! A friend of mine really likes dragons but I don't think I've read much with them.


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