My Favorite 2014 Read + 2015 Reading Challenge

Hi guys!! Now that the Holidays are officially, I wanted to share with you My Favorite 2014 Read and also my 2015 Reading Challenge.

I already challenged myself to read some of my TBR books this 2015, but I want to read 50 books in total. It isn't much, a couple of years back I used to read a lot more, but last year I made the same challenge but didn't complete it, hopefully this year I will!

2015 Reading Challenge

2015 Reading Challenge
Gaby has
read 0 books toward her goal of 50 books.

In 2014, I read a total of 27 books. But my favorite book was The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton. I just loved this book! It was so original and fresh for YA genre. I can't stop recommending it, you can read my review here.

The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton

So, how many books did you read? How many do you want to read this year? Do you have other goals for 2015?


  1. Good luck on your goal! My goal is 100 books. :)

  2. I am not sure how many books I read last year- I didn't do the best job of keeping track of them. I am going to be better about it this year. My goal is 30, but I am not sure if I will get there! I will try though and I know it will be fun along the way. :) Good luck with your goal. I have never read The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender- but what a beautiful cover and the book sounds amazing. On my list now! :) Hopefully it will be one of my 30. ;)

    1. Good luck with your goal! and yes, I love the cover too :D

  3. What a lovely cover and title for Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender. I enjoyed reading your review. I'm aiming for 50 books this year, too. Good luck on your goal!

    1. good luck with your goal! :D the cover is so beautiful right?

  4. Good luck on your challenge for this year! I read a total of 23 books last year, and this year I'm trying to read at least 25! :)

  5. I managed to read 201 books, just barely, in 2014 so I've set my goal at a far more manageable 100 books for this year. I just don't want the added pressure. BUT I am wanting to tackle my TBR pile. I'd like to cut it in half, but it's so large at the moment, I know that's not likely. A noticeable dent would be nice though.

    Good luck with your goals!

    1. wow 201?! That's great! 100 books is great too :D good luck!

  6. That is so awesome! This is the first year I am following a challenge using Goodreads, I have one set for 35 books!
    Good luck in your challenge!


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