Spring 2015 Bloggiesta To-Do List

BloggiestaHi! Bloggiesta is just around the corner, yay! Bloggiesta is a blogging marathon where bloggers make to-do lists to improve their blogs and help each other. In case you want to know more about it and want to join us please go here.

This is my to-do list:
  1. Change blog banner
  2. Update Google+ profile
  3. Update Facebook profile
  4. Update Twitter profile
  5. Schedule more review tweets
  6. Visit all participating blogs (or at least 10)
  7. Change social media icons
  8. Update 'About' page
  9. Schedule 5 WoW posts
  10. Participate in a mini challenge. 
  11. Attend the PEOPLE: Giving ad Getting Comments and Followers twitter chat party :(
  12. Back up blog
Maybe I'll add something later, I'm still thinking about more tasks. I'm excited, I'll take some vacation days at 'Isla de Margarita' and arrive just in time for Bloggiesta with my batteries charged :)


I'm done with my tasks except visiting all participating blogs. I'm not sure that is possible hehe but I'll try. I also want to read other people's tasks to see if I can do more for my blog, there is still time!

Mini Challenges:
I wanted to participate in a mini challenge and ended participating in two three!! Pinterest Challenge: Pin your Author Interview, Using Trello to Organize All the Things & Organize your Reader. You can see my new Author Interviews board at Pinterest:

Sigue el tablero Author Interviews de Gaby en Pinterest.

Also, Trello is great! I'm still learning how to use it but I believe it's a great tool.

And....unexpectedly, I could manage to organize my reader! I use Bloglovin' to follow all blogs, and I have a problem....I follow lots of blogs! It's impossible to read them all but I like to have the possibility to read them. But Estella taught us how Organize your Reader and she kind of opened my eyes. I already had some categories to organize the blogs but she gave us the idea of organize them like this: daily - weekdays - weekend. I never thought to do it that way, so I'm going to try with a new 'daily' category to see if it works for me :) Also, I spent a lot of time erasing dead blogs...

Twitter party!:
I wanted to attend the People twitter chat party but couldn't do it, but I did attend to the REVIEWS and Other Content Ideas twitter chat and it was great!! :) Now I'm waiting for the Feedback and Free for All chat.

Overall, I think this bloggiesta was a success!! I can't believe I was so productive and also discovered so many new bloggers! Definitely waiting for next bloggiesta :)


  1. Haven't done my to do list yet, but looking forward to Bloggiesta! Good luck with your goals!

  2. Wonderful list! Wishing you luck! Happy Bloggiesta!

  3. Awesome list. I need to update the google + profile too.

  4. Great list! Good luck & happy Bloggiesta :)

  5. I started tweeting my reviews recently, because I don't seem to get too many readers of those posts, or at least not many comments. One of my goals is to meet as many new bloggers as possible, so I am spending today visiting as many blogs on the sign up as possible. Happy Bloggiesta!

    1. Yay!! Twitter is a great way to find more readers :)

      Good luck!

    2. I can't remember your header from before, but I love the font now. Looks like you got a lot done. I didn't, but I did visit more than 1/2 the participants and got great ideas that I wrote down for later.

  6. Great list! Wishing you a happy and productive Bloggiesta!

    Thanks for the reminder that it's time to look at my social media profiles to see if things are as up to date as the should be.

  7. Great list :) I hope you end up able to do everything. I'm participating as well for the first time. I wanted to attend the same twitter party, but completely spaced. :(

    Anyway, happy Bloggiesta.

    1. Happened the same to me! I couldn't participate, but there is a recap posted at the Bloggiesta blog, yay!!

      Good luck and have fun!

  8. Replies
    1. thanks!! I think it's too simple but I like it :)

  9. This is a great list, Gaby! Good luck on accomplishing your goals this week, pretty :)

  10. Good list! I need to fix my social media icons as well. They seem to be getting a little clunky in my sidebar. Thank you for the reminder!!

  11. Great list...now you gave me some more ideas...LOL. Thanks for sharing, and enjoy! And thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. LOL happened the same to me reading other blogs hehehe

  12. Looks like you have a great start! I love the pinterest board idea - I need to do something fun like that.

  13. I really love your new banner! Great job! I like the idea of pinning author interviews. I don't do many interviews, but if I did I would do this. I hope you get everything on your list accomplished! Happy Bloggiesta! :)

    1. Thanks Candy!! I think it looks too simple but I like it :D

  14. Hi! I'm here to give some blog feedback! I love the purple star background with this white on top. The header looks great with that. The moving ads? I would maybe put it lower... and also from what I'm seeing, it's not quit fitting on your sidebar, which is distracting to me. (Maybe it's just how it's showing up on my computer?) Anyway, other than that.. I love everything here! Keep up the good work and have a happy Bloggiesta!

    1. Thanks Suey! The ads are showing all wrong on my computer too. I'm not sure how to change them, specially the one at the sidebar. I'm thinking about removing it...is not like I'm earning something from it haha.

      Happy Bloggiesta!

  15. Those are great goals and it looks like you've made a ton of progress! The pinterest board is such a good idea :)

    1. Yes, right? I don't know why I didn't do it before!

  16. Oh well done on ticking everything off already. Looks like you've got the weekend off! Happy Bloggiesta.

    1. First time I manage to do everything on my list, yay!!

  17. Impressive! Lovely new look, and it looks like you did a great job with everything. Wasn't it fun?


  18. I really like the idea of having a board from author interviews. I saw a lot of people did that. I will have to motivate myself enough to do that. LoL Bloggiesta was a lot to take in but it was very informative and definitely pushed me to do things I would have otherwise pushed off to another day... or never.

    1. Yes! That's why I love bloggiesta :) I'm thinking about creating a guest-posts board too, or maybe pin that posts on the same board. Still thinking about it but I think I will, it can't hurt!

  19. It looks like you had a very successful week!! I started using Trello too. I am still messing around with it, but so far so good. I think one of the best things I did this week was organize my Bloglovin feed as well. Cheers to a wonderful bloggiesta and many more to come. :)

    1. Yes, it was a success :) I'm still learning to use Trello but I already feel much more organized.

  20. You rocked Bloggiesta! Woohoo on getting so much done! I use Trello to help with my writing, and I never thought to do it with my blog. It's definitely nice to have everything in one place.

    1. Yay!

      Trello is amazing, now I do feel like an organized blogger haha

  21. Congratulations on getting so much done on your list! Isn't Trello awesome? I'm having so much fun with it! And I loved Estella's tips for organizing my reader, so am going to try doing my folders by days. Hope you had as much fun as I did! Already looking forward to the next one!

    1. Thanks Alexia! I'm also looking forward to next bloggiesta :)


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