Bookmark Monday #2

Bookmark Monday

Bookmark Monday is a weekly meme created at Guiltless Reading where you can show all your pretty bookmarks...or bookmarks you want to have! If you want to join, just go here.

Cat bookrmark

Cat bookrmark

Cat bookrmark

This kitty bookmark was made by an artisan at Valparaiso, Chile. It's made of paper and I think glue. The artisan name is Victor Catro Kurts (gatosvalpo AT and he sells all kinds of handmade cat crafts at Paseo Gervasoni. I thought it was so cute, I had to buy one!

What do you think? Do you like it? I can't resist to buy bookmarks when I travel and specially if they are handmade. Also, who can resist cats? hehe.


  1. Oh, I hope you are enjoying The Elegance of the Hedgehog (did I get that right?) ;)

    1. Yes! I was wondering if someone would recognize it hehe :)

  2. Hi!

    Ohhh... Cute !

    I wanna reading The elegance of the Hedgehog.

    1. too cute hehe :D Hope you can read it soon!

  3. I thought that's the book you were reading - just because I noticed the author's name. I still need to read that. But your bookmark is too cute. I love cats!!


    1. I think we all love cats hehe they are just cute and lovable.

  4. What a cute bookmark! And what a great idea to collect bookmarks as vacation souvenirs! Can't believe I've never thought of that, but now I know what to keep an eye out for on my next vacation. Love handmade bookmarks, and you can never go wrong with cat pictures. Thanks for sharing!

    Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such...

    1. It's a good idea right? And useful for us book lovers hehe

  5. That's a cute bookmark. I try not to purchase bookmarks because I have so many from swag giveaways or they are gifted to me. My niece made me one for Christmas and it's the only one I use now. :)


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