Bookmark Monday #3

Bookmark Monday

Bookmark Monday is a weekly meme created at Guiltless Reading where you can show all your pretty bookmarks...or bookmarks you want to have! If you want to join, just go here.

Today I'm going to show you two new beauties I got this weekend as a gift from my boyfriend. They are made of paper by local designers: hola don pepito. The first one says something like 'Reading is tasty/enjoyable' and the second one says 'Pause. I'm your pause button'. My translations aren't exact... 'rico' in spanish means something delicious when it's food, or enjoyable when you are having a good time, or rich! hahaha

Some of their designs are also available at USA at @el_tendederousa.

bookmarks hola don pepito

bookmarks hola don pepito

bookmarks hola don pepito

bookmarks hola don pepito

Did you like them? I fell in love the moment I saw them, it would be great it they were made of a harder material, but I just have to be careful.


  1. These are both really cool. I don't speak Spanish so I would've had to google what was on them. :)

  2. Gotta say ... don't you have the best boyfriend? ;)

  3. Me parecen los dos preciosos, Me pasaré por holadonpepiro.
    Yo hice unos marcapáginas de Los Juegos del hambre hace un tiempo, puede que algún día les haga fotos y las suba a mi blog, la verdad es que me has dado una buena idea.
    Un saludo enorme, gracias por pasarte :)

  4. Aw, what a sweet boyfriend. These are both very pretty.


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