Bookmark Monday #5

bookmark monday

Bookmark Monday is a weekly meme created at Guiltless Reading, where you can show all your pretty bookmarks...or bookmarks you want to have! If you want to join, just go here.

Hi guys!! I'm back from Bogota and had an amazing time! I spend most of my time at La Candelaria, which is at the historical downtown of the city and also a very bohemian place full of students. That is why I found these cool bookmarks from I couldn't say where because honestly I was just walking and found them on a little shop that didn't have a name (or I didn't see it).

Bookmarks from Bogota

Bookmarks from Bogota

Bookmarks from Bogota

If you are interested, you can see some of my pics from Bogota at instagram @magabygc and my travel blog


  1. Very cool bookmarks! Really love the idea of picking up unique bookmarks as souvenirs! Now I just need to go somewhere! ha!

    1. Hehehe I love this idea too! I don't know where or when is going to be my next travel :S But hopefully soon!

  2. You're traveling quite a bit Gaby! Love these new ones you have in your collection. Definitely quirky and unique!

    1. Yes! I've been lucky lately but I don't know when is going to be my next trip :S hopefully soon!

  3. I am glad to hear you had such a good time on your trip! As well as that I love how bright and colourful these bookmarks are. They look so artsy.


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