Dewey’s 24 hour readathon

Dewey’s 24 hour readathon

I feel like I need a little bit of motivation to read so the Dewey's 24 hour read-a-thon seems like a great idea! It's going to be on April 25th, 2015, which is saturday, a good day for me to read. You can join here but if you want to participate, but aren't sure you can read, you can join as a cheerleader!

I'm going to be posting must of my updates at my twitter @ohmybooks and also here on my blog :) If you decide to join, please let me know!


  1. I've always wanted to join this read-a-thon, but I never do because I don't have the time. I hope you have fun!

  2. I'm not very good at read-a-thons, but will be cheering from the sidelines! Good luck!


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