Movie Review: Cinderella

I've been thinking about posting a little of other things, like movie reviews or about my life, at my blog but wasn't sure if you would like to read about this here. After Bloggiesta, I realize must people like these kinds of I'm starting to post my opinion about movies since I actually see as many movies a year as I read books, maybe more! :) I'm still thinking about what else would you like to see here, so if you have ideas, please let me know.


Cinderella is the new Disney movie made with real people, based of the old animated movie. I think we all know about the story and in this case it's the same. I must admit, princesses movies weren't my favorite when I was a little girl, but I was curious about this version and more after hearing many good things about the movie....also because I really wanted to see the new Frozen short, Frozen Fever. ;)

I was surprised, because even when I knew exactly what was going to happen, I really liked it. My favorites were the mice (so cute!), but also liked Ella as a character. She shows that what's inside is what is worth it. Her goodness is infinite and we need more people like her in the world. Also, I loved the dancing scene and the dress!.

Super recommended, it was a good surprise even for someone like me that isn't a fan of the traditional princesses. I hope Disney do more of these real people movies, Cinderella was great.


  1. I've been hearing a lot of good things about this movie. I can't wait until Netflix gets it so that I can borrow it. Have you heard the rumor that they are making a Mulan one next? Mulan is one of my faves so that will be really cool to see.

    1. Mulan? that's great news! I wonder who would play Mulan?

  2. I'm not a huge fan the original princess films either. My sister and mom saw this one and really liked it. My sister said it's a bit more modern in places so it made the overall story better. I love non-book posts, so feel free to share movie reviews or whatever else!


    1. It does feels a little bit more modern!. Thanks for the support Lauren :)

  3. I really liked the movie too. It was so visually stunning. And, I loved the story and how they remade the original animated movie, but still made it its own movie. I loved the mice too, especially Gus. :)

  4. I went to watch this opening weekend and loved it. It was all just so beautiful. I'm also very excited because of the fact that they are doing Mulan next and they have Beauty and the Beast set up for 2017.

    1. I totally forgot about Beauty and the Beast! Emma Watson is going to play Beauty right?

  5. Was never a huge fan of the Disney princesses, but am intrigued by this one. I remember watching a live-action version when I was a little girl and really enjoying it, so looking forward to seeing this one too!

    1. Me neither! But now it seems that I enjoy more the pretty dresses hehe

  6. I have actually seen this one! Although I did enjoy it, I couldn't help being a bit disappointed. I sort of... wanted to know something more than a story I already knew inside out for once? I did like the scenery, and the outfits were amazing, especially her dress. The acting was all done well and everything, but I just wanted something more, and that disappointed me a bit.

    And yes, us readers love when the bloggers deviate from the standard reviews a bit. This kind of thing is always welcome!

    1. Thanks Olivia! I think I'd have been great if it offered a bit more to the story! I wasn't expecting that so it didn't disappoint me but I'd have loved to know more.


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