Movie Review: Insurgent

Insurgent movie

I've read a lot of reviews about the Insurgent movie, and most of them said it was so different to the book, they didn't enjoyed it. But I haven't read the book, I only read Divergent, and I've learned that if I compare a movie to a book, it would always be disappointing..

Since I didn't read Insurgent, I did enjoyed a lot the movie. It was full of action and easy to get into the story. The movie theater was full of people, and they reacted every time something happened.

As always with YA books and films, I feel like the characters are a bit immature and too dramatic sometimes. That didn't stop me to understand Tris, and her actions...but it wasn't surprising.

My favorite was Four. I don't remember Four leaving a great impression on me when I read Divergent, but in the movies he did. Not only because he is hot (I have to be honest haha), but also more mature that the others. I liked to discover more about his family too.

I love plot twists, so Insurgent didn't fail at that, but it you have read a lot of dystopia, it won't really be a surprise. Anyway, the reason I didn't read Insurgent was because I thought it was going to be a slow book, only to make longer the series. I'm happy the movie wasn't like that, it was full of action and plot. Now I'm curious about the book, if it's so different, what really happens?

What do you think? Did you like the movie? Should I read the book?


  1. I think you should read the book for sure because it is just so much better. Because I had read the book, I only thought the movie was okay. I thought the special effects were a bit much. I can see how you would enjoy it if you hadn't read the book.

    1. I understand Cynthia, it has happened to me with other movies. I think I'll read it, thanks for your comment!

  2. I only read Divergent and while I enjoyed the book, I never picked up the rest of the books in the series. I will still watch Insurgent because I thought they did a really good job with all the graphic in Divergent. Glad to hear that the second movie is really fun even if you didn't read the book.

    1. Me too, only read Divergent and liked the movie. But now I'm more curious. thanks for your comment!

  3. I'm glad you liked to movie! I definitely would've liked it more had I not read the book or remembered anything from the book, lol. :)

    1. Hehehe yes, I'm pretty sure you'll have enjoyed it in that case! Now we have to wait for the next one, is it going to be as the book of totally different??

  4. This is one of those series that I haven't picked up yet because of all the buzz surrounding the books, so waiting for things to die down. I usually like the books better, so think I'll skip the movies. Still haven't watched the Harry Potter movies, but I'm stubborn like that. lol

    1. Books always are better hehe. I can't believe you haven't watched the HP movies!

  5. I've never read anything from the Divergent trilogy, but I did watch the Divergent movie and found it a little bland for my tastes, plus with too little originality. I have to admit, though, I shared your opinion of Four in Divergent and he was the main reason I disliked it. Possibly Insurgent will change my mind -- and that trailer really is fantastic.

    1. The trailer was good, I hope you like Insurgent more!

  6. That's too bad. I'm still thinking about continue reading the series, but I've heard a couple of times that the rest of the books aren't so good...but I kind of want to check it out for myself.

  7. Being a fan of the books of course I have to see this movie even though the critics haven't been giving it the best reviews. I think it might stick well to the books and I always love Shailene Woodley's acting skills. I still wish they chose someone else for Four though >.>

    Check out my book haul:

    1. I don't remember much of Four from the Divergent book but I do like the actor ;). Let me know when you watch it if you like it!


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