Movie Review: The Avengers: Age of Ultron

The Avengers: Age of Ultron

I'm a fan of all of the avengers, specially Thor. Who doesn't like Thor? Hehe. Anyway, I've watched every movie, mostly because my boyfriend is a big fan of the comics and he always invited me to the movies and tried to spoil me every time.... So, we went to watch The Avengers: Age of Ultron in 3D, two times actually, because the first time we had an issue with the language (I hate seeing these kind of movies in another language than the original) and the screen and we felt like we didn't enjoyed it.

I really liked The Avengers: Age of Ultron. I think it has what every super heroes movies needs: lots of action, a little bit of romance and a picture of the heroes real life, to make them more realistic. I really enjoyed the story and the new characters, and seeing again the old characters and some from other movies. There were a few things I didn't get the first time I saw the movie, but the second time I could see all those details. My favorite is still Thor, but I really liked Hawkeye and the Scarlet Witch (although I didn't get her makeover at the end of the movie).

My boyfriend, he is another story. He felt disappointed. He has read most of the comics and didn't feel like Ultron was as bad and strong as he was supposed to be. Also he felt like the movie didn't explain a lot of things, as the new Inhumans or what happened to Asgard after the last Thor's movie. But he did like the Vision and seeing Hawkeye in a new light. I understand him, it has happened to me that after loving a book I watch the movie and it's a disappointment because it isn't what I wanted and imagined.

But we still enjoyed it (me more than him) and we are waiting for the next Avenger's superheroes movie.


  1. I love these movies too, so I think I'll really like the movie as well! I'm sorry your boyfriend was a bit disappointed. I haven't read these comics, so I don't have much to base them on. I read more DC comics when it comes to superheroes. :)

  2. Sad to say that I haven't seen any of the Avengers movies yet, although we did see the first Iron Man. Not much of a movie person, but this one does sound fun!

  3. I think we'll get more info about Asgard in the third Thor movie, which I'm looking forward to since it'll have Loki in it. He's my fave. Although I do love Thor too. I'm glad you liked it. I did too. I just saw it last night and can't wait to see it again.

    1. I believe we will, can't wait!! Loki is great, I really like him too!

  4. I liked this one quite a lot! Not as much as the first one. I mean, it had the humor I love in it, but at times I found it to be a bit overdramatic and I was rolling my eyes. I didn't like the female twin, but I loved the male one :')

    1. The first one was better, right? It had something, maybe because we didn't know what to expect.


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