Movie Trailer: The Little Prince

The Little Prince Movie

I love The Little Prince. It's one of those books that I read and re-read and always find a new meaning to the story. Maybe it's because when I first read it, I was a little girl. Anyway, there is a new animated movie coming up this year, the release date change between countries, but I really want to watch it! Here is the trailer:

What do you guys think? Would you watch it? Have you read the book?


  1. It looks very interesting. I'd definitely see it. I think it will help me appreciate the story more. I really liked The Little Prince, but I was too grown up to appreciate all of what it has to offer and seeing it through a child's eyes, I think, will help.

    1. I think the movie would help a lot! I don't think it's an easy book, sometimes you read something that just doesn't make sense but then you re-read it another time and it's perfectly clear.

  2. I love The Little Prince! I read it last year and loved how much meaning there was behind such a little novel, and the way it was all age friendly. I cannot wait for this movie and I am looking forward to seeing it myself!

    1. Yay!! It's one of my favorite books :)


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