Comics Review: Ms. Marvel (#1 - #16)

Ms. Marvel

I've heard so much about Ms. Marvel, all good things, and since I have been looking for a comic to read for a while this one sounded perfect. I started reading it with high expectations and at first I was a little bit disappointed...but then it got better.

Maybe it was because it has been a while since I read my last super heroes comics, but it seemed like Ms. Marvel wasn't too depth. It's about Kamala Khan, a Pakistani-American girl who feels like she doesn't belong. Her parents aren't very flexible and when they don't let her go to a party with boys and alcohol, she sneaks out and discovers she has powers. I don't think the 'essence' is too original, don't get me wrong, Kamala isn't a generic character and I'm very glad to read about other cultures, but ignoring that, she is just another girl with the same problems, taking illogical and irresponsible decisions (why?), that I keep finding in every YA reading. I don't remember being like that at that age but I don't know, I probably was and my mom was rolling her eyes like I do now hehe.

Ms. Marvel

I decided to continue reading and I'm glad because I did get caught with Kamala's story. It's easy to read, it has some depth moments, but it's mostly light reading and in a couple of minutes I was done. It was interesting to read about a character with a different religion, but also struggling with it. Kamala is very realistic, and I like her fun personality. There are a couple of characters from other comics that are showed in a different light, and were a nice plus. Except for Loki, who I really feel it wasn't the Loki I pictured in my mind...

Overall, it took me a while to find myself caught in this new story but it's getting better so I'm looking forward to keep reading it! Also, I really like her looks and costume...way more realistic!


  1. I'm glad the series got better for you as you went. I do really want to check these out! It's nice to see female characters in comics.

    1. It's such a masculine world, I also like to see new female characters once in a while and being protagonists.

  2. " I don't remember being like that at that age..."

    Bwahaha ... I'm surrounded by teenagers that are eye-roll inducing. I haven't read comics in a long time. I read one a couple years ago, but it wasn't that great. This seems like a fun one, though.

    1. I don't know how you can do it hahahaha. It's fun, I'm sure teenagers would love it!!

  3. Ms. Marvel is personally very interesting to me since we are the same religion. But the description of her strict parents could add to the stereotype of Islam in the eyes of (narrowly speaking) Americans. I just want to say that not all Muslim parents are strict. When I was Kamala's age, I was allowed to go out at nights, though still the curfew was 9 pm. My parents rock ;)

  4. Was this all in a complete volume?? I've been wanting to read this one but didn't realize there were already so many issues out (I rather read as a compilation than single issues). I've been hearing really rave things so I'm glad to know that it might take a bit to get into the story.

    1. I read them separately but I think they are like 3 volumes!

  5. This sounds so great! Tbh, I've never read a super heroine comic book before, and I really want to remedy that! Plus I like the fact that she's of mixed heritage and is from another culture!

  6. I like this one! I am all about them superheroes and have decided I am going to go back and read some of the original comics as well. It's a shame it wasn't too in depth about her life and background but she sounds so interesting and like you enjoyed it quite a bit.


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