Bloggiesta Sept 17-20 @Bloggiesta #Bloggiesta

Hello! It's time for Bloggiesta again yay!! I really need to work on my blog, lately I haven't been around a lot but that doesn't mean I'm not coming back :) I just need to organize my time and read more hehe

Anyway, here is my to-do list:

❏ write two reviews
❏ update Goodreads
❏ do one mini challenges
clean my sidebar
❏ comment on other Bloggiesta participants blogs
❏ participate in at least one Twitter chat

Maybe I'll add more tasks later, but for now that's it. If you want to join Bloggiesta, go here. Wish me luck!!


  1. Sometimes it's good to not have TOO many goals - not at first at least. Best of luck with all of these though. I really need to write more reviews too, but I'm not that behind which is kind of a first. LOL

    1. I get so nervous about not completing the list that I prefer to compromise with only a few tasks hehe

  2. Great to-do list! I like starting with just a few things, and then add more as I go along. Such a great sense of achievement! Have fun. Here's my MINI- BLOGGIESTA POST

  3. Excellent to-do list! I need to give my GR reviews some love!

  4. I'm really looking forward to getting some stuff done!

  5. Great list!! Good Luck.

  6. Great to do list, looks a little similar to mine :) Good luck!

    Florentine @ Readiculously Peachy

  7. Great List, good luck and Happy Bloggiesta!

  8. Great list! It's my first challenge and there's lots to do. Hoping seeing everyone else's progress will be a great motivator :-)

  9. I should have added Update Goodreads to my list as well, I'd love to clean up my to-be-read list at the very least. Hope you get to everything on your list!
    My Bloggiesta To Do List

  10. Great list! I haven't been on Goodreads in awhile either, so need to crosspost my reviews. Good luck!

    Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such...


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