Comics Review: Deep Dark Fears by Fran Krause

Deep Dark Fears by Fran Krause

Deep Dark Fears by Fran Krause
Expected publication: September 29th 2015 by Ten Speed Press
A charmingly creepy collection of 100 illustrated comics based on idiosyncratic and universal "deep dark fears."
We all have weird fears, from getting sliced to ribbons in subway station revolving gate to getting turned around by the wind while swimming and going too far out to sea. Based on the wildly popular eponymous Tumblr, Deep Dark Fears explores our odd, creepy, and hilariously singular fears. Animator, illustrator, and cartoonist Fran Krause brings these fears to life in vividly illustrated comics based on real fears submitted by readers (plus a few of his own). These "deep dark fears" run the gamut from unlikely but plausible to completely ridiculous, highlighting both our deeply human similarities and our peculiar uniquenesses.
Most of us have fears, believe it or not. Reading this book I realize I'm not the only one that have weird thoughts and stupid fears, but I must say most of these were new to me...some fears were ridiculous, others disgusting and some really scary. 

Deep Dark Fears isn't your typical book. It was peculiar and sometimes weird, but it was interesting to see so many fears illustrated. I read it in just a couple of minutes but it was worth it to spend some time seeing the details in the illustrations.  Apparently this book is a compilation of the illustrations by Fran Krause, who posted them on Tumblr. I didn't know about that so it was new to me, but it kind of left me at peace with my own fears, and thinking that maybe I'm not so crazy as I thought haha.

It was an enjoyable short book, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes illustrations and wants to read something different and original.


  1. This sounds really interesting. I have some random fears too, so I think I'd like this one. :)

  2. Hi! I'm Amy, and I recently created a book blog of my own. I would love it if you would be so kind as to check it out and give me any tips! Thank you!

  3. What a cool cover! The book sounds really interesting too. I can imagine there are some unique fears in there!


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