Everything I read in 2015!

2015 was a good year for me. I traveled a lot, started my own business and got engaged! Also, I completed my 50 books challenge, yay! I read a lot of comics, so that helped, but I'm happy because I read a lot of different books I wouldn't usually read.

I still don't know if I'm going to stick with the 50 books challenge for next year or if I'm going to try to read more, still haven't decide. Anyway, here are the books I read:

Gaby's bookshelf: read-2015



  1. Wow! Lots of reading in 2015! Glad it was such a great year for you. I hope 2016 is full of good healthy and happiness. :)

  2. Great job on completing your goal!! :)

  3. It looks like a really good year! Here's to 2016 being wonderful as well :)


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