Holiday #readathon: finish line!

The Holiday #Readathon is over! And I'm proud to say that I read two books and started a third. So that means I'm making two donations, probable three, because you know, it's Christmas!

Books read

Two books were illustrated so they were pretty easy to read and interesting. I'm really liking more and more comics and graphic novels. The other book is about dragons, so obviously I'm curious about it.

I feel happy because last year I couldn't read anything and I really wanted to join this time and actually read!.

How did you do on your readathon? Did you read everything you wanted? Are you excited for the Holidays? :)


  1. Qué bonita la portada de La Hoja Naranja!
    Acabo de descubrir tu blog, así que te sido desde ya ^^
    Un saludo!


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