Movie Review: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I know many of you are excited for this movie. Honestly, who wouldn't? I can't say I am a fan but my fiance and his father are, and they were extremely excited to see this new episode.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is the perfect movie for fans and non fans. It was full of action and it keeps you entertained. For the fans, it's the perfect way to remember the old characters but at the same time be curious about Rey, Finn and BB8. There is still a lot of mystery around these characters so don't expect to discover too much about them. But I'm in love with BB8 hehe.

I like when female characters are more than just beauties, so that's why I enjoyed seeing Rey and Leia in important roles and physically and psychological strong.

I don't want to give spoilers, so go and enjoy your movie. But be prepared for surprises, I'm still at shock with a certain thing that happened, I didn't expect it, at least not so soon.... 

Of course the movie isn't perfect, there were some details I wasn't complete sure about the new bad guy Kylo Ren and Rey, but I really liked it and actually want to see it again. I do recommend you to see the previous movies, at least google about it, in case you don't know anything about this story. It's not entirely necessary, but you will enjoy it so much more.


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