Graphic Novel Review: Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol

Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol
Published June 7th 2011 by First Second
Anya could really use a friend. But her new BFF isn't kidding about the "Forever" part.
Of all the things Anya expected to find at the bottom of an old well, a new friend was not one of them. Especially not a new friend who’s been dead for a century.
Falling down a well is bad enough, but Anya's normal life might actually be worse. She's embarrassed by her family, self-conscious about her body, and she's pretty much given up on fitting in at school. A new friend—even a ghost—is just what she needs.
Or so she thinks. Spooky, sardonic, and secretly sincere, Anya's Ghost is a wonderfully entertaining debut from author/artist Vera Brosgol.
I've been reading a lot of graphic novels lately. This time I read Anya's Ghost and enjoyed it. I didn't know really what I was going to find, only a ghost. But I found Anya to be a rich character, embarrassed by her heritage, not happy about her body and trying to fit. So when she find a ghost, and after being scared of her, it seems like she found a friend.

Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol

The story about the ghost surprised me a little. It wasn't really scary, but that's ok to me. I don't really like to read terror. But I did like the twist it had, and how it ended. Also, I liked that Anya was a realistic character and in some ways I could relate to her, it isn't easy to have a different culture and try to fit in to avoid bullying, but at the same time not forgetting who you are and what's right and wrong. The art helped with the reading too, it was beautiful and it showed well the character's feelings.

Overall, Anya's Ghost was an enjoyable read and I think it's a good novel if you want to start reading graphic novels.

More about this book at GoodreadsAmazon, The Book Depository.


  1. I really liked this one too! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  2. Suena excelente!! A mí me encanta leer novelas gráficas y no había escuchado de esta :)

    Lipstick and Mocha

  3. Seems like this was a pretty good book and that you were really able to enjoy reading it. I have seen a lot of other people loving it as well. It seems like the twist was done cleverly!


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