TV Series Review: Marvel's Jessica Jones

Marvel's Jessica Jones

Marvel and Nexflix released a weeks ago a new series about Jessica Jones, a private investigator/failed superhero. I didn’t know what to expect from it, but I started seeing so many tweets and articles saying it was amazing, that I decided we (my boyfriend and I) had to see it. Also, lots of people wanted to see David Tennant (Doctor Who) as a villain, well, it was disturbing.

Anyway, we both like everything about superheroes. Well, not everything, but must of it. We watched Daredevil together and really liked it, but you may have notice that it’s unusual to have a whole series dedicated to a female super heroine. I can only remember Supergirl at this time, which was also released a few weeks ago.

So I didn’t know anything about this Jessica Jones. My boyfriend’s exact words were: She is a failed class B superhero. Not a lot to start, but what we both found out was that Jessica Jones rules!!

I’m just going to say it: This series is amazing and you have to watch it.


First, because if you are looking for a real female kick ass character, Jessica is! Forget about the cute, I’m-not-sure-how-to-use-my-powers-but-I’m-strong, innocent girls. She is a woman, she has suffered a lot, and she is dealing with it (and Krysten Ritter was the perfect choice). She knows her strengths and limitations, but isn’t whining about it, at least not in front of other people. She lives in the worst apartment, she has a problem with alcohol, and she’s trying to make her own living. She is not heroic, but she is definitely a heroine deep down. Her heroine career didn’t work, but not exactly because she wasn’t good at it.

Jessica Jones and Kilgrave

But let’s talk about Kilgrave. You want an evil character that really scares you? Not the usual villain who wants to rule/destroy the world, but someone that if you ever meet him, your life wouldn’t be yours anymore.

That’s Kilgrave, or The Purple Man. His power is making you do whatever he wants, you only have to listen. At first it doesn’t sound too dangerous, he isn’t super strong, he can’t fly. He isn’t famous. But why would he want that? He can have anything, and anyone, just by talking. Combined with an evil mind, it makes him one of the worst villains. There is no escaping from him, as Jessica Jones knows.

Jessica Jones and Luke Cage

There are a couple of other characters that helps this story to develop. Everyone has their own history and in the end, all of them will be affected by Killgrave. My favorites were Trish Walker, Jessica’s best friend, and Luke Cage, for obvious reasons. But I must say I really liked the cold-hearted lawyer Jeri Hogarth.

This series is dark. Darker than Daredevil. We aren’t talking about a few killings and blood (there are lots of it, btw), but psychologically dark. There is physical and psychological rape, murder, sex, drugs and alcohol. But it makes it more realistic, it could happen in the real world if superheroes existed. Not everyone is a hero, not everyone wants to rule the world, I think most people would act as Kilgrave, selfishly.

So if you are looking for a series that won’t let you stop until the last chapter, Jessica Jones is the one.


  1. I am in LOVE with this show. I'm not finished yet - I think I have about five more episodes? I don't know, I'm not good at binge watching. haha But I need to finish this because I want to know how the first season ends. Kilgrave is so horrifying - he seems so normal and then boom! You do whatever he says. Tennant is great though.


    1. Oh Lauren, please finish it soon! I need someone to talk more about it hehehe. And Kilgrave is the worst!

  2. I hadn't heard of this series before- but now I will be looking for it. Sounds very intriguing for sure! :) Thanks for sharing.

  3. I'm jealous you got into it! My mom loves it too but I couldn't connect with it lol. Maybe I just have to keep on watching because I've only seen the first couple of episodes!

    1. Oh that's a shame! I'm glad your Mom liked it :)


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