Movie Review: Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast

I loved the new Disney version of the Beauty and the Beast. When I was a girl, I was never a big fan of princesses. But this new version seemed beautiful and interesting with Emma Watson.

And it was so beautiful and magical. The special effects, the details, the dress! Emma Watson played the perfect Belle. Who wouldn't want to be an intelligent and beautiful princess like her?

I liked that the movie was very much like the original animated Disney's film, but also it had some changes to make it more modern. There was more information about Belle and Beast's pasts, and Belle was not only a reader, but also an inventor. It does maintains the sweet romance and the magic around the castle. And the songs! I remember the songs were beautiful, and this time even more.

But not only that, I think the amazing cast made this movie the perfect remake. Dan Stevens, Ewan McGregor, Ian McKellen, Josh Gad, Emma Thompson, Stanley Tucci, Kevin Kline....I specially liked Josh Gag's character, LeFou. I know there was lot of press because LeFou is gay and apparently in love with Gaston, but not only I think it's totally normal, he also did a great job.

Overall, Beauty and the Beast totally recommended!


  1. I am so glad you could love the movie and the magic of it so much. I have to agree, the casting was done so brilliantly that it was impossible not to get caught up in the wonder of the film. I'm looking forward to more real life movies now!

  2. Did you see the jungle book? It was really good too.


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