Best books I read in 2017 & Reading Challenge 2018

Ok, so I know it's a bit late to wish you a Happy New Year but I've been so busy lately working, getting married, trying to get used to living abroad...

Anyway, I like having goals and resolutions, that's why I always have a goal to read a number of books. Sometimes I read more, but the last couple of years not only I have failed miserably, but also I've been reading less a less.

Why? I don't know, I guess it was life. 2017 I only read 14 books, although I must say I tried to read more but didn't like them so DNFs them. I just don't want to waste precious time reading a book I don't like. Only 14 books was very low if I compare it to a few years ago, but also I feel like I'm enjoying more the books I read.

The best books I read in 2017

Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso

We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Bottle in the Gaza Sea by Valérie Zenatti

Reading Challenge 2018

For this year I want to be realistic with my reading goal. That's why I will to read 15 books.

2018 Reading Challenge

2018 Reading Challenge
Gaby has
read 0 books toward
her goal of
15 books.

How many books did you read in 2017? Which one was the best? How many books do you want to read in 2018?


  1. We Should All be Feminists was one of my fav books of 2016 and so glad to see it made your list of best reads of 2017! I have not read #GirlBoss yet but I own a copy and it is on my tbr! Happy reading for 2018. Hope the year will be less hectic than 2017 was for you and will bring you all the good things! :)

    1. Thank you Rashika! I hope you like GirlBoss as much as I did!

  2. Ahh good luck for your goal!! (And congrats on your wedding, that's amazing!) I read a ton of books last year but this year I'm probably going to read a lot less because I'm so busy. 😂😂 I'm glad you liked the We Should All Be Feminists one! I really need to read that.


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