Tell Me Something Tuesday: When is your favorite time to read?

Tell Me Something Tuesday
Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings where they discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.
This week's topic: When is your favorite time to read?

I don't know if I have a favorite time to read. These days, I read whenever I can, usually on my way to work, which is not the best because there have been a couple of times that I just forget to get out the subway at the right station....and arrive late to work.

But if I could pick a favorite moment to read, it would be at bed just before going to sleep. I have a couple of hours at home alone before my husband arrives, and it feels like the perfect time to enjoy  with a cup of black tea and a book.


  1. I do love reading at bedtime as well, but I'm usually too tired to get very far! I last 20-30 minutes max before I start nodding off.

  2. I tend to read a lot before I go to bed, because it's OFTEN the best time to read. However, when the weather is nice but not too hot, I like sitting on my front porch with my dog and reading. And if it IS blazing hot, I'll read in the pool.


    1. Reading with my dog is the best! We have been away for a couple of months and I really miss him, specially on those moments when we were together just the two of us.

  3. LOL. Sorry but that must have been some great books then :D

  4. Reading with out pets seems to be a favorite :)


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