Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Have Been On My TBR The Longest And I Still Haven’t Read #TopTenTuesday

Top Ten Tuesday

This is a weekly meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Everyone is welcome to join!

Today's list is: Books That Have Been On My TBR The Longest And I Still Haven't Read

The one I really want to read soon from this list is Inheritance. Maybe because I want to finish this series, and also becase I'm worried that I left the book on my room in Venezuela and I don't know when I'll go back :S

Have you read any of these books? Which one I should read first?


  1. I've just been wanting to read the first Eragon forever, I can't imageine being on the 4th!

  2. This is actually a brilliant way to do this list and I would have never thought of just taking a screenshot off of Goodreads haha! Are we friends?

  3. I don't know which books I've had the longest, like actually own. I have some wish list items on Goodreads but those are things I want that I don't own. I haven't ready any on your list, but I DO want to read the Charley Davidson series.


    1. The Charley Davidson series is so good, I'm not sure why I haven't read all the books!

  4. I can not even remmeber if I read that 4th Paolini book

  5. I've been meaning to read the Eragon series for YEARS now. My excuse is I haven't bought or borrowed the first book yet haha

  6. I really liked the MALALA book - it's inspiring and (surprising to me, but maybe it shouldn't be!) well-written.


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